Sunday, August 8, 2010

Some Factors Of Constipation Pain May Surprise You

Who hasn't had some problem using the old number two from time to time? Sometimes people eat too much at holiday seasons and sometimes they make other changes into their diets that cause unpleasant constipation symptoms to surface every now and again. Apparently, there are numerous other factors that might lead to temporary bouts of constipation such as: dehydration, stress, traveling and even new medications could lead to some difficulty with bowel movements. But when constipation pain occurs, it is time to consult with your doctor because that could be a sign or a symptom of a bigger health issues unless you happen to be pregnant. If not, then it's vitally important that you read this article because this is a major cause for concern, especially if it has been chronic or the problem has started recently.

Just any constipation pain is nothing to fret about. However a severe case of constipation could cause pressure on the abdominal area. So if the pain is very intense and almost piercing at times almost to the point of nausea, then there are other unpleasant symptoms you need to look for in order to check if this kind of constipation pain is a symptom of a much larger problem.

The first thing you want to check when facing severe constipation pain is the body's temperature. If it is above 100, then some kind of infection is raging in your body. And as a result, the solid waste in the body has no place to go and the toxins and harmful bacteria present due to constipation will finally wind up in the blood stream and could cause infections. Apparently these are the things that tend to cause a person to have a high temperature. Additionally, there are also other things to think about why constipation pain might be happening. Is your stomach almost sore and sensitive to touch? Have you had diarrhea recently that was bloody or had a red tint into it? At a time you vomit blood or have a blackened stool (this is blood in the stool), you may wish to get to the Emergency Room due to constipation pain and this condition is merely small factors in a much bigger problem.

Aside from that, a person with an elevated temperature and evidence of bloody stool is very sick. A bloody stool may be caused by polyps that have been torn to the point of bleeding and while polyps are not malignant, they could develop into tumors, therefore a physician needs to be consulted immediately. Other factors that may explain constipation pain are: damaged appendix, appendicitis, ulcer, infectious diarrhea, or even a simple blockage.

Chronic constipation pain should always be taken very seriously. Even constipation pain during pregnancy is considered normal however it still warrants concern especially in cases of chronic and severe constipation pain. In most cases, the constipation pain occur because of blockage, thus you must consult a doctor to make sure that everything is alright. To alleviate or prevent blockage, try flushing the entire colonic system with a natural colon cleanser product. This will thoroughly clean your colon and gastrointestinal tract and help prevent future blockages.

Getting A Good Recipe For Making My Own Colon Cleanser